Family History
All dates are in Dale Recogning.
The seals of the main clans are:
- The Othreier Coronal clan
- A rose; the rose was mostly
red, but the background varied from Coronal to Coronal.
- The N'letur clan
- A glowing staff; often blue (glowing in gold) on a white field.
- The Nathrill clan
- Three crossed arrows; often gold on a green
- The Iliathor clan
- Four white doves displayed around
a black circle with a gold edge
- The Irithyl clan
- ...
A note about the N'letur Feary elves: Feary elves are small and light in
build. Although this doesn't reflect on their health it means they're easily
swept aside in battles, although certain (individualistic) fighting styles
help over come this. They also grow older much slower than most modern fearun
elves - their development much closer to the early ages where elves regularly
stayed interested in life for twelve elven long years (144*12=1718) and often
didn't bear children until their 4th long year. This time decreased over time:
Crown Wars, Twelve Nights of Fire, and other cataclysm added a sadness and
weight few elves can bear for more than a few long years.*.
*) A N'letur elf character should take the Light Weight Flaw, and
Slow Maturation Feat at 1st level and
an Epic N'Letur character should take 'extended life' on 21st
level and again when she crosses an age boundary. Final age would
be 1070+4d%.
Giants and Dragons (-30,000 — -24,000 DR)
Balance of the Elves (-24,000 — -23,600 DR)
- -24,000 (Mis)creation of the elven homeland
- Hundreds of High Magi gathered in the heartland of Faerűn at the Gathering
Place. Ignoring the lesson learned from the destruction of Tintageer centuries
earlier, the High Magi cast a spell designed to create a glorious elven
homeland. As the Day of Birthing dawned, the spell reached its
apex. Faerűn, the one land, is sundered apart by the unbridled
force of the spell. As a result, hundred of cities are washed away,
thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of Abeir-Toril is
changed forever. The name Faerűn, no longer the one land, was
given to largest continent. Evermeet, Island of Elves, is created.
The Tree of Souls is given to the elves.
Shantel Othreier (-23,600 — -10,600 DR)
- -23,600 Shantel Othreier (till the end of the third crown war)
- The second oldest known elvenkindom, Shantel Othreier was mostly ruled by
gold elven Coronals. Of the 25 rulers, only two were Moonelves - although each
of them ruled for over 500 years. As in all early elven settlements, the Coronal
was always male - it would take 15,000 years before any elvenkingdom was ruled
by a woman. Even now some gold elves see this as 'the natural way of things'.
- -19,600 Arrival of the N'letur clan from another plane
- Their færy blood shows a bit in their pale golden hair, but mostly in
their violet eyes. The first meeting with Aryvandaar goes bad as the speaker
suggests some doubt as they being Tel'Quessir. The elves from Shantel Othreier,
however, welcome them. After several generation the N'letur blood merges with
the moon elves, although the færy strain keeps returning in the female
line. They brought with them four artifacts, but knowledge of their existance
was limited to only a few.
- -14,700 — -13,900 Miyeritar grows under pressure
- Aryvandaar's rulers begin attempts to diplomatically and peacefully annex
Miyeritar into their realm and under their control. Yet Miyeritar stays
independent and becomes the center of elven Art and High Magic on Faerűn.
N'letur elves often visit and share in the atmosphere of creativity.
- -13,200 — -11,300 Fall of Miyeritar
- They Miyeritan Magic is no match of the ever improving Aryvandaar war
machine, although their Blade Singers pospone the inevitable for some
centuries until they are countered by the newly created Nael'kerym.
-11,700 The dragon's war against the giants of Keltormir
- This leads to the First Tethrift; a great burning of southern Shantel
Othreier that separated the soon-to-be-called the Wyrmwood from the greater
body of the forest. Tethir, kin of Keltormir and the first recorded elven
dragonslayer, single-handedly slays two ancient red wyrms of the Ridge and
saves many elves. A portion of Keltormir's woods are named for him.
-11,098 Birth of Ynloeth Othreier
- The future last Coronal of Shantel Othreier
- -10,900 War between Aryvandaar and Shantel Othreier
- The first 100 years of the war was more political, threatening, and
powerplay than a real army versus army. However, slowly the conflict grew
worse and instead of one arrow to indicate 'enough', whole volleys were
fires. Brawls became scirmishes, scirmishes became battles.
- -10,885 Ynloeth (Gold elf) marries Ishlavenn N'leter (Feary elf)
- Ishalavenn was the eldest child of the N'leturs Lord Speaker.
Although it was a political marriage, meant to pull the threatened clans
together, the couple still got 4 children, Ishlana and Eashmelle (twin Feary
elves), Ynrath, and Meavuann (both Gold elves). Their only son Ynrath was
trained as a warrior from the beginning, their daughters got a more
conventional training, although their mother tought them much of her Art:
the N'letur clan was known for their mages, although they seldom ventured
into high magic.
-10,700 Battle of the Gods' Theater
- Ynrath and all of his cousins were killed by the Vyshaanti loyalist
Nael'kerym - named 'Duskblades' at the end of the battle*
- as their flank was overrun by Orcs.
Ynloath himself fougth on the left flank and, thanks to his
Shattering Swords and Bracer managed to keep the line, but the loss of the
right flank meant the battle was lost.
This left the Coronal without heir in the 6th degree.
The northen part of Shantel Othreier was annexed by the victorious
*) These H'ei'Yal Drathinmaleé (steel dancers) became ignominious symbols of
Aryvandaaran treachery, and several were sealed in Nar Kerymhoarth with the
rest of house Dlardrageth and the Fey'ri legion (-4300 DR). The style (and
mindset) still exists within the Eldreth Veluuthra and is called Uluuth
Phlarenn (cleansing blades). The dissenters helped those who opposed
Aryvandaar, but their tradition all but died out although some still teach
in Silverymoon, Evereska, and Cormanthor.
- -10,600 Fall of Shantel Othreier
- After the mysterious death of Ynloeth, Shantel Othreier was
absorbed by the Vyshaantar Empire of Aryvandaar as several Gold elven clans
sided with Aryvandaar and some Moon elven clans fled. One of the mysteries was
that Ynloeth Bracer also had disappeared. Ishlavenn sent her daughters
away, having given Ishlana the Warhelm of the Feary and
the Coronals two Shattering swords,
Eashmelle the seed of the Guardian Tree,
and Meavuann the Ring of True Magic.
Each fled with the remains of some other clans. She stayed behind, and
after donning her wedding gown, played the Twin-flute: Sorrow and Despair.
The three sisters (-10,570 — -9577 DR)
- -10,570 Guerilla war
- Ishlana never really left Shantel Othreier, alternating fighting the
Vyshaantar troups in her homeland or in Miyeritar. They resupplied in Ardeep,
but the elves of that tiny realm could do little to help them as they
themselves were under Vyshaantar attack. Slowly their group got smaller
through combat losses and people loosing hope. Her only fixed friend was the
Bronze Dragon Khisthkragh who often spied and checked out possible vulnerable
- -10,500 Dark Disaster
- Khisthkragh managed to use his
weather summoning to give the group of
Ishlana a chance to flee Miyeritar. Although he managed to escape, the magic of
the disaster ruptured his wings, denying him flight ever after.
The small group joined with a wood elven clan which had left Miyeritar
almost 800 years earlier in what is now the Forgotten Forest.
- -10,466 Meavuann and Aryvandaar Gold elves
- She worked with the Gold elven clans disenchanted with Vyshaantars rule to
help them extract themselves from their leaders influence.
Although she was searched for by both mages and
scouts, non who found her left with his mind intact or body in shape - she
also often used a spell called 'Root Dream' (qv personal variant of Sequester),
which made her disappear for months or sometimes years.
-10,320 Eashmelle left Keltormir in search of a new home
- This happened after Keltormir decided to step out between the
fighting Gold elves and Dark elves - leaving Shantel Othreier vulnerable.
Moonelves and woodelves of the clan Nathrill went with her to find a new
domain far from the war. They finally reach the future 'Gray Forest' in -10,240.
- -10,124 Death of Eashmelle
- On her deathbed she asked her sole daughter Eashain to find a spot for the
Guardian Tree and to bury her remains there. Eashain went into a trance for
seven days - after she awoke she took her sleeping mother, summoned a
Pegasus and left. Two days later she returned alone and took all willing elves
with her to their new home (what is now Forest of Lethyr). In a clearing in a
small dell grew a huge oak, but its leaves were tinged with the color of
Eashmelle's pale golden hair. Next high summer she wedded Shimmtar Nathrill, the
new Coronal of Kheltir'Umman (Second Spring).
- -10,100 destruction of Shantel Othreier
- Through enslaved dragons and other powers, the dark elves of Ilythiir
engulfed all of Shantal Othreier in flames, destroying over 70% of its
trees over the course of 50 years. No unit of Gold or Dark elves entering
the land left without loosing at least one important member. The Ilythiir
used fire and blood magic combined with powerful undead to hunt for the
threat, but nothing was ever found.
- -10,000 The Descent
- Some parts of Shantel Othreier tried to restore order as the Dark Elves were
forced undrground. A semblance of the old kingdom was restored, but none
dared to return to the remains of the former Coronals residence. A huge
Red Dragon had destroyed it and then made his bed in the remains.
In the forgotten forest the few remaining Miyeritar Dark elves were cursed too
- Ishlana and a few other promised to beseech the gods to reverse their verdict
for those innocent of the sacrilege but Khisthkragh was strangly quiet about
Meavuann (by now known as 'The Sleeper') was one of the elves summoned to the
Elvencourt - she tried to join with Ishlana and Eashmelle, but the latter had
left Fearun and Ishlana was
barred after a tirade against the arbitrary effects of the Descent.
- -9,985 Ishlana bore a son Ishkran
- Ishlana was now almost 800 years old, but she still looked like an adult -
having bound her essence more and more to the fight against the Vyshantaar.
- -9,900 Shantel Othreiers first recovery
- Aryvandaar's covert persecution of High Mages and priests of Illefarn
(and some of Aryvandaar) began. While not destroyed utterly, Illefarn
& its colony in the Llewyrrwood (current Neverwinterwood) was annexed
by the increasingly-crazed Coronal Giilvas Vyshaan.
Many elves of both lands fled: some to the woods near the Elven Court,
others to Keltormir but most to the remnants of Shantel
Othreier. Lacking a common vision or inspiring leader, this was overrun by
Aryvandaar within a century.
- -9,871 Eashain finally gave birth to her only child
- Yushain, a pale yet endearing boy, did not seem a strong bet for the
continued growth of the kingdom and other clans started grooming possible
new Coronals.
- -9,800 The Vyshantaar Empire occupy all but Keltormir
- They also began the colonization and settlement of Evermeet.
Ishlana was still wandering the former elven kingdoms together with Khisthkragh.
Together they slew any Vyshantaar Warparty they encountered as their combined
might could not be stopped by anything but High Magic.
The Red Wyrm sleeping at Ynloeth grave had not moved for over more than an elven
long-year (144 years), yet the dragon fear still kept out intelligent life.
No trees grew there but trapped soil and bushes gave it hilly look, called
the 'Hill of Red Dusk'.
- -9,730 The Trial at the Tree
- Shimmtar having died the previous year, Eashain managed to have herself
appointed as Guardian over her pale son. Yet the strife within could not be
withstood and on the high summer several clans demanded that the new Coronal
show his power to protect his people. After some smart explanations of the
divinations they called for a fight between the elf and beast - as most
of the heir-presumtives were well trained in battle.
It took place on the dell next to the guardian tree, and Eashain begged her
mother to intervene when her son had to fight a grey mountain bear.
Yushain dropped his spear and shield, walked over to his opponent and stood
there. The bear sniffed at him and lay down. Some of the heirs then threw
their spears at Yushain, but the bear sprang up, swatted them out of the air
and killed all those who had threatened Yushain.
- -9,600 The Rise of the first drow civilizations in the Underdark
- Their constant harassment of the Vyshantaar forces over the next five
centuries help prevent their annexing Keltormir or any other lands.
- -9,577 The death of Khisthkragh and Ishlana
- The final words of the old Wyrm to Ishlana told her what he had seen
at the start of the Dark Disaster. Ishlana was shocked and almost aged
immediately. She gave her fathers Swords and Helmet to her son, then
called to the Seldarin telling them that Khisthkragh and she never would be
seperated and released her hold on Fearun.
Ishkran build a tomb for the old Wyrm and his mother by weaving all the blades
of those they bested in combat. He then managed to find Meavuann, who sealed
the tomb. Ishkran then took
up his mothers arms and continued his fight - but instead of killing them
he made them look ridiculous and weak.
Founding time (-9500 — -8500 DR)
- -9,500~ Foundation of Ilodhar (western shores of [future] lake Miir)
- One gold elf clan and two moon elf clans, formerly of Aryvandaar,
founded this new kingdom near the Elvencourt woods. Soon after several other
clans (four Gold and two Moon from Shantel Othreier which originally had
fled that conflicted realm during the Third Crown War) joined.
They sought to create a better, more peaceful, elven civilization for
themselves. Meavuann also joined, but kept
her habit of 'sleeping' several years for each few months she was awake.
Soon after conflicts arose with the nearby orc, goblin and ogre clans and
the peacuful realm soon needed a sizable border guard.
- -9,200 Fifth Crown war and freeing of Shantel Othreier remains
- The First Proclamation of Elven Court leads to the revolt of the nobles
of Aryvandaar and the last Crown War begins. The Elven Court, the Seldarine
priesthoods, and the long-hidden High Mages restore pockets of resistance and
freedom across the entire Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies and nobles
to limit their coordination. Ishkran, old but well known and liked, managed
to cut of the Ilythiir occupation forces and met his future wife Iveann
Irithyl, sent by the Elven court as diplomatic envoy. It was said that both
found their match in eachother in clever use of language. Their only
son Ynloarr was born in 9172.
- -9,037 Death of Yushain the Beastmaster
- His eleven children gathered under the Guardian tree to bury him next to his
mother. They then formed a circle around it and waited. Soon after a raven flew
over and landed on Numtarr's (Yushain's second son) shoulder.
Numtarr declared the Guardian Tree sacret and had
The (first) Barrier
Hedge grown around it.
Illoar (Yushain's oldest child) went north on Numtarr request
to examine the 'Rawling Wood' for possible habitation.
- -9,000 Shantel Othreiers second recovery
- Ynloarr tried to rebuild Shantel Othreier. Although a clever and charismatic
youth, he sorely lacked in patients and diplomacy. Ardeep - formerly connected
to Shantel - decided to merge with Illefarn (this cooperation lasted till -1100 DR, Ardeep itself fell in 615 DR). Most of the 'kingdom' lay in what is now the
Wood of Sharp Teeth, but Ynloar was never crowned Coronal. Ynloarr
married early and got three sons and a daughter. He tried to
rediscover Ynloeth's Tomb in -8801 — -8800 (the same year as the
Inferno of Keltomir), but returned dejected. In -8692 DR he left with his
elder sons to try to prove his claim to the title. He took the Coronals
Helmet with him, but they were never seen again.
- -8,600 Founding of Evereska
- After Iveann died in -8627 DR, her daughter in law and her grand daughter
Iveanna left for the promise of a new, strong, elven kingdom. Rantill stayed
behind and tried to continue his fathers dreams; He started wearing the
Othreier Rose to show his determination. It is unclear how it happened, but it
seems that Iveanna took the Shattering Swords. Why Ynloarr did not took them,
or why Rantill allowed her to leave with such an important artefact is
unclear - although Rantill seems to have been an archer, little interested in
melee weapons, and Ynloar seldom carried them as the Bracer was lost.
-8,557 Birth of Yrnarth Dlardrageth, Meavuann first child
- Meavuann seldom cared for for others, because even elves grew
older whilst she slept. An exception was Nergath of house Dlardrageth, who
did not seem to age as fast as others did. She worked with him on several
projects trying to bind and control powers without being controlled themselves
and they decided that a mutual child might inherit favorable traits. Yrnarth
was raised by house Dlardrageth as a Nael'kerym, as both his parent showed
little interest until he reached his manhood.
Prelude to War (-8500 — -7600 DR)
- -8,443 Illoherr , grandson of Illoar returned to Kheltir'Umman
- He found his uncle Numtarr still alive and ruling as an absolute
tyrant through summoning of wild forest creatures and all his family slain
except for his distant cousin Eationne. She was to be wed to his uncle
at midsummer. In a bloody coup Illoherr killed his uncle - who rotted away
within seconds after he died - and wedded Eationne.
Neither of them formally claimed any title, waiting for their son
Illio to gain his majority.
Knowledge of the Guardian Tree is limited to the ruling clan.
- -8,400 Founding of Siluvanede (northwest of High Forest)
- Yrnarth went there, as he found the nicy-nice atmosphere of Ilodhar
- -8,210 Decline of Ilodhar, Founding of Uvaeren (now Mistledale)
- Constant goblin attacks split the clans and sundered their plans for a
peaceful realm. Three gold clans elected to stay and fight for
their lands (but they were destroyed by an orc horde in -7400 DR),
while the other six abandoned Ilodhar in hopes of finding another realm
they could settle more
peacefully. Three clans headed farther north, where they met
the elves of Rystall Woods and established the northernmost
settlement of that realm: Yrlaancel, the city of peace. The remaining
three clans, including Meavuann, founded Uvaeren, a civilization dedicated to
knowledge both magical and mundane.
They were rumoured to have invented the Tel'Kiira and many other ways
of storing lore in a way difficult to understand for non elves. Meavuann was
known as 'the Dreamer', because she still slept for extensive periods between
monitoring projects she had deviced.
- -8,173 Yrnarth creates the Order of True History
- The order members searched for, and restored, items from the
Aryvandaar age, including Crown War artefacts
- -8,088 Iveanna's son K'helnar is born
- Iveanne married late in her life to the last male ancestor of part of the
N'letur clan that
had fallen under Vyshantaars dominion in -10,700 DR. There was little love
between them, but by doing so they managed to keep the N'letur clan alive -
although only one child made it a temporary solution at best. She also
put the Swords in safe keeping, as she judged their magic no longer needed.
- -7,993 The Nathrill Rule and the Second Barrier Hedge
- Due to the growing threat of giants in the nearby mountains,
the Second
Hedge is grown. Using enchantment and summoning spells
few find their way through it - or even out.
In some places the Barrier is anchored to ancient magic from a bygone age
and anguish and pain is felt by any giant getting near.
Illio also declares that something like Numtarr's tyranny would not be allowed
to happen again. Each male child would be left a night and a day near the
Guardian Tree. The eldest surviving would become Coronal. All other children
had to be formally accepted by the Clan of their partner, dropping the
Nathrill name forever.
- -7,950 Shantels ghost
- Full trade exists between the dwarves of Deep Shanatar and the elves of
Darthiir, Tethir, and the dwindling remnants of Shantel Othreier. Rantill
was slain fighting the humans 'invading' the green fields and his children
fought a desperate war against the humans, dragons and even eachother. Each
of their families wore the rose sign, but extra symbols were soon added to
indicate the 'true' coronal line. Two wood elves clans, roze-and-spear and
the triple-roze survived to the current age.
- -7,856 Birth of Eshna, Meavuann second child
- Totally unplanned, but the wood elf ranger Meavuann met was everything
she was not. Through him she learned some compasion, care for animals and
plants and the true value of reflection. Their child was much better cared
for: Meavuann stayed awake for almost 5 years and visited her child at least
once a year thereafter.
- -7,600 Founding of Sharrven in the south of the High Forest
- Due to overcrowding in Evereska and elitism of Siluvanedenn elves
many of the moon and wood elves decided that a balancing realm was needed.
On the advice of Meavuann Eshna joined, to watch the actions of her
half brother who aged slowly.
She soon met K'helnar - who had left Evereska, and they
married in -7581 DR.
Consolidation (-7400 — -6000 DR)
- -7,396 The eastern N'letur
- Illio's eldest granddaughter Ilivenn got permission from her
brother the Coronal that any elf from her line could become a Protector of the
Guardian Tree on his or hers 144th birtday.
She reinstated the N'letur clan.
- -7,388 Last known record of Yrnarth
- He left for a location found by his Order members with the
statement "Finally we will show them."
Although Eshna searched long for her half brother, she could
not find a trace of him - although she kept looking till her death in
-7013 DR
- -6,700~ Growth of the Sharrven N'letur branch
- K'helnar and Eshna had several children, most of whom married
and also had several children. Although some married gold or green elves, the
N'letur Feary line bred true.
- -6,422 The Imaskari city of Solon is founded.
- Some elves from the eastern N'letur family spy on their magic
use. After long
delibiration it is decided that no extraplanar magic shall be used except by
express permission by the Coronal. The Third
Barrier is build to stop a
possible Imaskari invasion and several mages and rogues continue to
monitor the ever expanding empire.
Both the Nathrill and N'letur clan stayed small: the first because of
the Rule, the second because Protectors seldom married.
Meavuann's Fall (-6000 — -5000 DR)
- -5,831 Birth of Mnuvae and Mnevill Iliathor, Meavuann's twins
- Different in all aspects: Mnuvae was a small, friendly moon elf
maiden, interested in knowledge and diplomacy; Mnevill was a tall,
outspoken gold elf male, who wielded magic and blades to destroy all those
opposed to the elven cause. Meavuann turned sad shortly after her childrens
birth, she continued her research in elven knowledge and ways of storing them -
including her Selu'Kiira and started looking at the heavens.
- -5,700 Tales of knowledge
- Rumours of Intevar's Librarium in Uvaeren spread throughout all
elven lands, as this allegedly contains the collective knowledge
of the elves. Partly responsible for this is Meavuann, who sleeps less and less
and visits (and studies) each known collection.
- -5,660 Intevar's Librarium is attacked
- The Librarium and some strongholds in Uvaeren are
attacked by greedy elven wizards seeking knowledge of High
Magic, to no avail. However, Intevar dies of a poisoned wound,
ending the Fifth Rysar. The newest Coronal of the Sixth Rysar is
his apprentice and young wife, the Lady Mnuvae. Her mother is seen
crying at the ceremony and predicts that Uvaeren will outshine all other
elven domains during her reign.
She also predicts that the Coronals murderers will
'curse the skies, start the sixth war, and try to rape out homes'.
She tells Mnevill
that N'letur blood will be both in part responsible as well as part of the
- -5,300 Siluvanede erects a mythal in Adofhaeranede
- Some in Sharrven are worried about the growing might of
Siluvanede and the magic crafted in Myth Adofhaer, so the N'letur clan
- now almost 300 members - restored the task of watching them.
The new Coronal of Kheltir'Umman starts long term research
how the Imaskiri expansion could be curbed.
- -5,000 The Twelve Nights of Fire
- A star fell from the heavens, accompanied by a widespread meteor
swarm. It crashed upon the center of Uvaeren's settlements and librariums,
killing the Coronal and most of Uvaerens population; the resulting firestorm
destroyed what was left of the Lorelands of Uvaeren. According to one survivor
Meavuann was waiting at the central spot, weeping as she performed a high magic
ritual, her Selu'Kiira blazing and her skin turning black. On the survivors
request to teleport out
with him, she stated 'but I did not'. He did remember receiving her
Selu'Kiira and ring, but could not recall what he did with them.
Mnevill was visiting Evereska and so survived.
At the same time the elves of Arconar discover that House Dlardrageth have
crossbred with Demons. Although they lock most of them in their holdings
(where infighting kills them off within an elven long year), seven manage
to flee towards Siluvanede.
War and Peace (-5000 — -3900 DR)
- -4,800 The corruption of Siluvande
- N'letur watchers are contacted by Arconar High mages to help
looking for the missing members of house Dlardrageth, which, in the mean
time, had started subverting
several powerful sun elf houses: unknown to the watchers they encourage
demon-elf cross-breeding and create the fey'ri. These houses conceal their
secret heritage and become powerful.
The son of Mnevill, Mnemar (born -5,205),
had taken over his fathers quest
to find the guilty for the destruction of Uvaeren, and was more than willing
to check if the Dlardrageths were active in Arcorar too.
- -4,700, Creation of Moonelven domain Eaerlann
- Eaerlann is rebuild among the eastern ruins of Aryvandaar by
youngling nobles from Sharrven, including many from the N'letur clan.
They also ally with the dwarves from the north and
were supported by Sharrven and Evereska to preventing the elves of Siluvanede
from doing the same and repeating the mistakes of the past. The capitol
Teuveamanthaar is founded in -4550 (current Talltrees).
- -4,500 — -4,300, Seven Citadels War
- High mages from Arcorar, Mnemar among them, track House
Dlardrageth to a secret lair beneath Ascal's Horn (in Eaerlann territory).
With the aid
of Eaerlanni forces, they slay several of the Dlardrageths. Other Siluvanedenn
houses under Dlardrageth influence retaliate, beginning the Seven Citadels'
War. Sarya Dlardrageth and her sons are captured, but the fey'ri-led
Siluvanedenn fight on. After 60 years Siluvanede open several of Aryvandaar's
ancient citadels and equip themself with Vyshaantar weapons.
This tactic draws Sharrven into the war.
140 years later they finally defeat Siluvanede. Upon discovering the deceit
of the fey'ri, untainted Siluvanedenn high mages place the city of Myth
Adofhaer in magical stasis, effectively fleeing to the far future to
escape association with the fey'ri houses. Most of the surviving fey'ri
warriors are imprisoned in Nar Kerymhoarth (the Nameless Dungeon), but some
avoid capture and eventually spawn long- lived houses of daemonfey that
successfully conceal their nature. Through the losses of the Citadels War
the N'letur clan is shrunk to 60 members, let by Innalla (Eaerlann),
and L'xendin (Sharvenn).
- -4,400, Midwinter, Destruction of Elven Court and Dwarven realm
- Drow and (Ilithid send) duergar attack and destroy Elven Court
and Sarphil beginning at the start of the year on Midwinter Night. Within days,
Elven Court is in ruins and Sarphil is occupied by the drow and
duergar. The Dark Court Slaughter claims the lives of both the Coronals
of Rystall Wood and Jhyrennstar, many clan leaders, and all of Mnevars
children and the elderly Mnevar himself; only his baby grandson Mechyll
(a moon elf) survived. He was raised by the Sharvenn N'letur until the
Iliathor clan had stabilized after the disaster.
- -4,370 A suspicious plague decimates Imaskari cities.
- It is still unclear if the elves from Kheltir'Umman where
involved in any way with the plague. If they did the plan backfired, because
Imaskari artificers opened twin portals to another world and magically abduct
thousands of humans to serve as slaves, erecting a planar barrier to prevent
contact between the slaves and their deities.
The Fourth
is built into the ground to stop Drow finding or entering
the domain.
- -4,100 Creation of the Moonblades
- The creation became known even in Kheltir'Umman,
and Eatrill, the head of the East N'letur clan decided to go to the
Presentation ignoring the protestations of the Coronal.
She found Innalla
and L'xendin in a dark discussion about whom should, or could, try.
The appearance of this far family shocked both, but her blood told true.
She laughted at them, telling that
'The possession of the blade will make
no difference whatsoever, but any fight will make all the difference'.
In the end the terribly scarred Lle'ann (but 'the gentlest soul') tried and
was accepted: a fighter in the darkest part of the Citadel Wars, he never
raised the blade in anger, instead training warriors in patience and
- -4,000 Unity
- The Coronal Oacenth of Jhyrennstar falls ill; the Ruling Trials last from
Midsummer to Harvestide; the 3 elfblades are forged. Coronal Kahvoerm Irithyl
becomes the ruler of Semberholme, Jhyrennstar, and Elven Court, all of which
are now Cormanthyr:
Mechyll and others from clan Iliathor swear alligeance.
, and Eatrill is present.
-3983 The birth of the city of Cormanthor begins here, with the
Summoning of the Rule Tower.
Note the history below is Work-In-Progress!
The Growth of Netherill (-3900 — -2900 DR)
- -3,891 Darkening of Kheltir'Umman
- Once Eatrill had returned she found that the atmosphere in
her homeland was actually one of fear and xenophobia. The Coronal, the
wood and moon elves, and even most of the N'letur clan feared the outside
world. When the scouts returned with the knowledge that the Imaskari were
working on seven artifacts (the Imaskarcana), she needed to use all her
considerable diplomatic skill to stop the Coronal ordering an assassination
of those involved.
- -3,843 Eaerlann and Netherill
- After studying them for only fifteen years, the elves, including
the N'letur, make peaceful contact and start to teach them in Lore and Art.
Main reason was that several elves liked the newly build Abbey of the Moon.
- -3,095 The Nether Scrolls
- One set of the Nether Scrolls is stolen by elves
of Cormanthyr and secreted away by the High
Mages of that realm.
The third fall (-2900 — -1000 DR)
- -2770, The Slaughter of Sharrven
- The fey'ri who survived the fall of Siluvanede covertly unleash
monster hordes in the southern High Forest. The creatures
destroy Sharrven before aid can arrive.
King Connar IV of the dwarven realm of Ammarindar (Grey Peaks)
vanquish the monster hordes ravaging the southern High Forest,
including the red wyrm Rithaerosurffel, the Bane of
- -1,720 Uvaeren's Curse
- Netherese wizards arrive near the blasted ruins of Uvaeren, fleeing
something; they die within two years after uncovering a hidden library
cache and unwittingly setting loose some of its magical defenses.
Narfell and Raumathar (-1000 — -150 DR)
- -970 — -946 The founding of Narfell
- The Nentyarch of Tharos builds his capital at Dun-Tharos and forges the Crown of Narfell. He begins conquering the surrounding Nar kingdoms and uniting them under his rule. In -946 he destroys Shandaular, the capital of Ashanath. All the Nar kingdoms are united into an empire called Narfell.
- -900 The founding of Raumathar
- The Raumvirans establish the realm of Raumathar, with its capital at Winterkeep.
- -339 (Sundered Webs) Fall of Netherill
- A
- -160 (the Stone Giant) — -150 (Recompense) The Great Conflagration
- Narfell and Raumathar begin their final war: a decade-long
cataclysm that involves the summoning of demon lords and an avatar of Kossuth.
At its conclusion, both Narfell and Raumathar lie in ruins, but a
secret Raumathari sisterhood is formed to preserve Raumathar's lore.
- 714 (Doom) Fall of Myth Drannor
- A
The Hidden Age (715 — 1337)
- 716 (Reaching Regret) Creation of the seventh Barrier
- The Seventh
stops all outer planar creatures.
- 1018 (Dragon Rage) Death of the Nathrill Coronal
- As he died without heir, the second son of the N'letur family ruled as Laranlor.