SLA: PBM Party

An italic entry indicates the skill has a modifier because of (dis)advantages.

Replacement KillersNightmares Inc
David Hope I&I
- PP644
- BLA Blitzer

Cool 9

Strength 8

1 Unarmed
1 Blade 1h

Dexterity 8

5 Martial arts
2 Gymnastics
4 Hide
4 Sneaking
5 Pistol
1 Rifle

Physical 8

4 Acrobatics

3 Climbing
3 Running

Charisma 8

3 Communique
4 Persuasion
4 Interview
4 Diplomacy
3 Leadership
4 Disguise

Diagnose 9

1 Computer use
1 Tactics
6 Forensics
4 Intimidation

Concentrate 8

6 Detect

Knowledge 8

5 Streetwise
5 SLA info
4 Rival comp
3 Literacy

Languages -

~ Kilian
Misery KMS
- Light DS
- 603, Gash

Cool 9

Strength 8

5 Blade 1h

Dexterity 10

7 Martial arts
2 Drive bike
5 Hide
5 Sneaking
5 Pistol

Physical 9

6 Acrobatics

3 Climbing
2 Running
4 Swim

Charisma 9

4 Communique
4 Persuasion

5 Seduction
1 Sing

Diagnose 6

Concentrate 9

1 Detect
3 Weapon maint

Knowledge 7

5 Streetwise
2 SLA info
1 Rival comp
1 Literacy

Languages -

4 Killian


2 Blast
4 Enhancement
3 Healing
4 Protect
3 Reality fold
Ghost KMS
- PP644
- KK20,Gash

Cool 7

Strength 10

1 Unarmed
2 Blade 1h

Dexterity 13

8 Martial arts

7 Hide
7 Sneaking
5 Pistol
1 Rifle

Physical 11

6 Acrobatics
2 Auto/support
5 Climbing
2 Running

1 Throw

Charisma 4

Diagnose 8

5 Computer use
4 Tactics
1 Paramedic
1 Tracking

2 Electronics
1 Mechanics
4 Locks, mech
4 Locks, elec

Concentrate 5

5 Detect

1 Photography

Knowlegde 6

2 Streetwise
2 SLA Info
1 Rival comp
1 Literacy
3 Navigation
2 Survival

1 Repair, elec
1 Repair, mech
5 Hacking
1 Architecture
2 Video Games

Languages -

~ Kilian
Gore Death
- PP644

Cool 15

Strength 15

8 Unarmed

Dexterity 13

4 Hide
4 Sneaking

6 Rifle

Physical 14

5 Wrestling
6 Auto/support
5 Climbing

2 Swim
3 Throw

Charisma 5

Diagnose 5

3 Tactics
1 Paramedic
5 Intimidation
5 Torture

Concentrate 5

5 Detect
2 Weapon maint

Knowledge 5

2 Streetwise
2 SLA info
3 Rival comp
1 Literacy
2 Navigation

5 Eval Opponent

Languages -

1 Killian
1 Shaktarian
1 Wraith
Dragon Scout
- CAF Vest
- GAK-19

Cool 10

Strength 9

2 Unarmed
3 Blade (1h)

Dexterity 13

3 Hide
6 Sneak
1 Pistol
7 Rifle

Physical 11

3 Climbing
6 Running
3 Swimming
3 Throw

Charisma 5

3 Communique
3 Persuation
1 Interview
3 Diplomacy
1 Haggle

Diagnose 7

1 Computer use

5 Forensics
6 Tracking
3 Pathology
1 Demolition
1 Electronics
3 Mechanics
1 Locks, mech
1 Locks, elec

Concentrate 7

6 Detect
3 Weapon maint
5 Marksman
1 Drive, Mil

Knowledge 7

6 Streetwise
3 SLA info
3 Rival comp
1 Literacy
3 Navigation
3 Survival
3 Eval Opponent
3 Repair, mech
1 Repair, elec
3 Demo disposal
1 Astronomy
1 Pilot Mil
1 Space Nav

Languages -

2 Kilian
~ Shaktarian