Shadowrun: River class OPV

The original river class (in current terms): - classification: OPV (offshore patrol vessel) - first keel: 1978 - dimension: length 79.5m, beam 13.6m, draught 3.8m - crew: 28 (9 minimum), space for 20 marines - maximum speed: 20 knots - Range: 7800 n-miles / 12kn - cargo deck: upto 7 ISO containers (max 13m) +cranes/power connection - helicopter deck: none - handling: 4 - body: 7 (armor -) - Signature: 4/2 (under/above water) - Sensors 4/2 (under/above water) - Nav/Pil -/- - boats: 2x 20' sloop (max body 4) - weapons: 1x 20mm cannon The 2001 River class: - classification: OPV/MS (offshore patrol vessel/mine sweeper) - crew: 21 (7 minimum), space for 20 marines - maximum speed: 20 knots - Range: 8100 n-miles / 12kn - cargo deck: upto 4 ISO containers (max 13m) +cranes/power connection - helicopter deck: yes, no hangar - handling: 4 - body: 7 (armor -) - Signature: 4/2 (under/above water) - Sensors 5/3 (under/above water) - Nav/Pil 1/- - boats: 2x 20' sloop (max body 4), 1x 10' ROV-sub (max body 3) - weapons: 1x 20mm cannon By adding a deck above the rear cargo deck, a helicopter pad was added. Space for containers was limited because of the ROV handling equipment. Bunkerage was enhanced as less crew was needed because of improved computer systems. The ministry of fishing could no longer fully maintain the ships, but they had been very effective in the 1999 Piper Gamma raid, so the RN absorbed them. As the (more modern) Sandown MS class showed to be to slow, and 3 of the Hunt MS class were destroyed in the baltic, they were rebuild to also function as mine-countermeasure vessels. The 2016 River class: - classification: OPV/MS (offshore patrol vessel/mine sweeper) - crew: 18 (6 minimum), space for 20 marines - maximum speed: 18 knots - Range: 9000 n-miles / 12kn - cargo deck: upto 4 ISO containers (max 13m) +cranes/power connection - helicopter deck: yes, no hangar - handling: 4 - body: 7 (armor -) - Signature: 5/3 (under/above water) - Sensors 6/4 (under/above water) - Nav/Pil 2/- - boats: 2x 20' sloop (max body 4), 1x 10' ROV-sub (max body 3) - weapons: 1x 20mm cannon The new diesel-fuelcell-electric machines gave an improved signature although at a slight decrease in maximum speed, while further enhancements in computer allowed another crew decrease. The 2041 River class: - classification: MS (offshore patrol vessel/mine sweeper) - crew: 15 (3 minimum), space for 20 marines - maximum speed: 21 knots - Range: 9900 n-miles / 13kn - cargo deck: upto 4 ISO containers (max 13m) +cranes/power connection - helicopter deck: yes, no hangar - handling: 4 - body: 7 (armor 6) - Signature: 5/3 (under/above water) - Sensors 8/5 (under/above water) - Nav/Pil 3/2 - boats: 2x 20' sloop (max body 4), 1x 10' ROV-sub (max body 3) - weapons: 1x 20mm cannon Although the two remaining River vessels were old, the RN still decided to upgrade them to integrated VCR technique. In an unexpected move funds were also allocated to rebuild the super structure with composites - possibly because the Rivers (as OPVs) had an excuse to monitor fishing near Tir. The decrease in weight resulted in a slight increase in speed and range. The 2056 River class: - classification: Decom (decommissioned) - crew: 15 (3 minimum), space for 20 marines - maximum speed: 21 knots - Range: 9900 n-miles / 13kn - cargo deck: upto 4 ISO containers (max 13m) +cranes/power connection - helicopter deck: yes, no hangar - handling: 4 - body: 7 (armor 6) - Signature: 5/3 (under/above water) - Sensors -/2 (under/above water) - Nav/Pil 1/- - boats: 2x 20' sloop (max body 4), 1x 10' ROV-sub (max body 3) - weapons: - The hull has 3 age stress points, speeds above 15 knots can damage the hull. Minimal skills needed: 4 Boating 4 Ship B/R 4 Electronics (sensors) 4 Electronic B/R 4 Computer (sensors) 4 Computer B/R 4 Navigating 4 Gunnery and perhaps a few others Minimal crew: 1 rigger, 1 decker, 1 mechanic With the current system, VCR-1 is optimal. ROV and sloop release is still physical Special: - because of the size, the ship has _2_ levels of damage reduction - there is a fair amount of space available for upgrades - the hull needs some serious work to not degrade over the next few years - the engines are old and will probably need a major overhaul in 5 years - the super structure is not SOTA, but is pretty modern. General info: There are probably 80-150 ex-navy ships in use at this time as research vessels, exploration, 'security' firms, pirates, smugglers etc... Almost all of these are in the 40-100 meter range; anything bigger is always military.>>>>>>[ Of the seven build (three for the RN), 4 are still around. ]<<<<<<
Factmaster 13:51:01 17-03-2052