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GLT-5V Guillotine (Rebuild)

Weight: 70 ton Chassis: Crucix-I - Endo-Steel Power Plant: Vox 280 SFE Cruising Speed: 43 Maximum Speed: 65 Armor: 12 tons Standard Armament: 1 Er Large Laser: Sunglow 1 Er PPC: (Unknown) 6 Medium Laser: ExoStar II 2 Medium Pulse Laser: (Unknown) 2 AMS: (Unknown), 6 shots Manufacturer: Newhart Industries Primary Factory: Terra Communications System: Unknown with Guardian ECM Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
The Guillotine is a venerable design. Commissioned in 2499, the 'Mech has seen action in every major Star League Defense Forces action. The Guillotine was the standard heavy 'Mech for generations, working with companies of Griffins to provide heavy firepower. As time passed, however, technological improvements made bigger and bigger 'Mechs possible. Though still a capable design, the Guillotine is no longer as common as in ages past. When heavier assault 'Mechs came into existence, the Guillotine's role changed from that of line trooper to raider. Few of the newer, heavier 'Mechs could match the maneuverability and staying power of the Guillotine, which is why it remained in production, despite being under-armed compared to other 'Mechs.
Known Variants - 5V:
Technology Base: - Inner Sphere - Level 2 Equipment Mass Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 3.5 Engine: SFE 280 __._ Walking MP: 4 Running MP: 6 Jumping MP: 4 Heat Sinks: DHS 13 3.0 Gyro: Standard 3.0 Cockpit: Standard 3.0 Armor Factor: Standard 192 12.0 IS Armor Head 3 9 Center Torso __ 27 Center Torso(rear) 12 R/L Torso __ 22 R/L Torso(rear) 8 R/L Arm __ 20 R/L Leg __ 22 Weapons and Ammo Location Size Mass Er Large Laser LA 2 5.0 Er PPC LT 3 7.0 Medium Laser CT 1 1.0 Medium Pulse Laser CT 1 2.0 AMS 2 RT 2 1.0 AMS Ammo RT 1 1.0 Medium Laser 3 RT 3 3.0 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2.0 Guardian ECM RT 2 1.5 Medium Laser 2 RA 2 2.0 Jump Jet 2 LL 2 2.0 Jump Jet 2 RL 2 2.0
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